French I
Your semester exam will include reading, vocabulary, culture, and grammar from chapters 1-3 Discovering French. This is an outline of the test, but it is up to you to review the specific grammar and vocabulary from each chapter. Be sure to review your can do statements!!
Download the Can Do Statements here
Download I_can_statement_French_I_version_1_aug2010[1]
There will be objective 80 questions on the exam.
The writing will also be tested on the exam. You should be able introduce yourself to a correspondent
Be able to know how to tell time, how to count from 1-100. Be able to understand conversations
Be familiar with the vocabulary from both texts so that you can read the selections. The questions will be multiple choice and true/false
You will need to be able to choose appropriate expressions, complete dialogues, complete conversations, and identify which words don’t belong to certain groups. The questions will be multiple choice, true/false, and choosing the correct answer from a group of words. You will also need to know the language of the classroom from the "Dirty Dozen" activities
Be sure to read the cultural information from all chapters
Be sure to review your "I can" sheets to review the functions for the exam.
Websites- Consult the following websites for online practice. Classzone Languages Online- Français French Conjugation Quia Languages Online- French Topics
BBC French
Français Interactif
Theme |
Skills |
Meeting people Leçons 1,2
CommunicationSaying hello and goodbye Saying how old you are and finding out someone’s age Counting to 100 Introducing yourself Saying where you are from Introducing friends, family and relatives
Culture Salutations(13), La rentrée(15), Les prénoms français(15), La Martinique(19), Bonjour/Salut(23), Amis/copains(27), Québec(31), La famille française(35)
Vocabulary adjectives of nationality ça va, people, family members
Having a snack in
France Leçons 3.4 |
Communication Saying you are hungry and thirsty Paying at a café Talking about time Talking about dates Talking about weather
Culture Bon Appetit(43), Les Jeunes et la nourriture(45), Le café(49), L’argent européen(52-53)
Vocabulary Foods, beverages, expressions of time, days of the week, months of the year, weather, seasons |
Daily activities at home, school, on weekends Leçons 5-8 |
Communication Describing daily activities Talking about where people are Finding out what’s going on Inviting friends to do things with you Expanding one’s conversational skills Grammar: Subject pronouns Ne… pas -er verbs faire être questions with est ce que questions with inversion verb+ infinitive
Culture Le téléphone (79), Le mercredi après midi(83), Une boum(93), Le Sénégal(105), Les jeunes français et l’internet(121), Les Vietnamiens en France( 123)
Vocabulary Daily activities, places,
French II
Your semester exam will include reading, vocabulary, culture, and grammar from chapters 1-2Discovering French. This is an outline of the test, but it is up to you to review the specific grammar and vocabulary from each chapter. Be sure to review your can do statements!! There will be objective 80 questions on the exam.
The writing will also be tested on the exam. You should be able talk about past trip and give biographical information
Be able to understand the vocabulary in context; especially the difference between the present, past, and future tenses
Be familiar with the vocabulary from both texts so that you can read the selections. The questions will be multiple choice and true/false
You will need to be able to choose appropriate expressions, complete dialogues, complete conversations, and identify which words don’t belong to certain groups. The questions will be multiple choice, true/false, and choosing the correct answer from a group of words.
Be sure to review all five Paris Etapes
Websites- Consult the following websites for online practice.
Languages Online- Français
French Conjugation
Languages Online- French Topics
BBC French Bitesize
Theme |
Skills |
Rep/1 |
Reprise/1 Review (Getting acquainted) Oneself and others Culture Telephone messages Wedding faire part Carnet de jour- birth, death announcements Images Regions of
France French highways/roads Holidays/Fêtes Tour de France Francophone Europe Futuroscope |
Communication Review: Talking about school and classes Expressing oneself on familiar topics Talking about places and things Carrying out simple conversations Presenting oneself and others Interacting with others Talking about oneself and others Describing one’s plans Grammar: être, c’est/il est regular/irregular adjectives, avoir, faire, inverted questions, aller, aller + infinitive, venir, present with depuis
Reading - Getting the gistVocabulary School subjects, numbers 1-100, days, months, times of day, common objects of clothing, prepositions of location, place names, question words, er, ir, re verbs
Adjectives of nationality family and friends, professions, descriptive adjectives, expressions with avoir, faire, depuis |
2 |
Unité 2 Weekend activities Culture The weekend
Paris Métro The French and nature Camping
Communication Talking about weekend plans Getting from one place to another Narrating past weekend events Grammar: Verbs mettre, permettre and promettre, voir, sortir, partir, dormir, prendre; passé composé with avoir/être, quelqu’un quelque chose, personne, rien, il ya + elapsed time
Reading- Recognizing word familiesVocabulary Going out with friends, helping at home, country and the farm, domestic and other animals, expressions of present and future time, getting around by subway, expressions of past time
Semester Exam Review French III
You will have 175 questions on the objective portion of your exam. You need to study the indicated vocabulary, grammar, and Interlude Culturels, Lectures, and Info Magazines from each unit.
The writing portion of the test will be on Monday. You will need to be able to describe a person, talk about household chores using the subjunctive, and describe one’s typical daily routine using reflexive verbs.
Rep/1 |
Looking good; one’s daily routine Culture · How important personal appearance is for the French- the look; clothing and personal style · How artists have expressed their concept of beauty · How people begin their daily routine. Interlude Culturel- Le monde des arts-Modern French art · Impressionism · Post Impressionists · Surrealism · Language of art · Desnos · Prévert Lecture- Les Trois Bagues |
1st Semester Reprise Describing the present, describing the past, referring to people, objects and things, daily activities, foods and beverages, clothing
Unité 1 Communication: Describing people, discussing caring for one’s appearance, explaining one’s daily routine (what people do for themselves), expressing how one feels and inquiring about other people Grammaire: Reflexive Verbs in the Present and the Past
2 |
Being helpful around the house Culture · Why do French people enjoy do it yourself activities; bricolage, jardinage · How you should take care of your plants · How do French young people earn money by helping neighbors
Communication: Explaining what has to be done around the house, asking for help and offering to help, telling people what you would like them to do, describing an object Grammaire: The Subjunctive of regular and irregular verbs
3 |
Vacation and outdoor activities; the environment and its protection Culture · How the French protect the environment- camping rules; young people and the environment
Communication: Talking about outdoor activities, describing the natural environment and how to protect it, talking about the weather and natural phenomena, relating a sequence of past events, describing habitual past actions Grammaire: Review of the Passé Composé and the Imparfait,
Websites- Consult the following websites for online practice.
Languages Online- Français
French Conjugation
Languages Online- French Topics
BBC French
Bitesize French
French AP Semester Exam A Unité 8 Cities and City Life Making a date an fixing the time/place Explaining where one lives and how to get there Narrating past events in sequence (pluperfect) Formulating polite requests (conditional) Hypothesizing about what one would do in certain circumstances (si clauses and conditional) Unité 9- Les Relations Personelles Describing degrees of friendship Expressing different feelings toward other people Discussing the state of one’s relationship with other people Congratulating, comforting, and expressing sympathy for other people Describing the various stages in one’s life Describing how people interact (reciprocal use of reflexive verbs) Writing- Be able to write a short biography of a person (in the past tense) relating the different stages of their life Reading- Respond in English to various reading. Listening, vocabulary, and grammar, - Multiple choice questions (100) based on the vocabulary and grammar of the unit.
Describing people and things in complex sentences (relative pronouns and relative clauses)
French AP Semester Exam B Your semester exam will not be a scantron exam. Your questions will be listening, reading and responding in French and English, and grammar. To review, go to the Heinle site and practice from chapters 1,2, and 3. Your writing proficiency on Monday will be modeled after one of the following: Ce n’est pas du tout facile! Vous venez de recevoir une lettre d’un ami français qui a visité les États-Unis récemment. Il critique assez sévèrement les habitudes alimentaires des étudiants américains. Écrivez-lui une réponse dans laquelle vous analysez honnêtement ces habitudes alimentaires. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a que vous trouvez positif? Qu’est-ce qu’il y a à critiquer? Quels facteurs pouvez-vous citer pour expliquer les défauts des étudiants américains (temps, argent, activités ou responsabilités des étudiants, culture estudiantine, etc.) Ma famille et la nourriture. Analysez les habitudes alimentaires de votre famille. Mangez-vous tous les mêmes choses? Si non, pourquoi pas? Dans votre famille, qui a les meilleures habitudes alimentaires? Pourquoi? Y a-t-il des habitudes que vous essayez de changer? Pourquoi? Quelle est l’importance du repas familial dans votre famille? Y a-t-il des plats traditionnels (traditional dishes) ou des repas de fête (holiday meals) qui sont très importants dans votre famille? Quels autres aspects des habitudes alimentaires de votre famille méritent d’être mentionnés? Les habitudes alimentaires des Français. Votre correspondent(e) canadien(ne) vous pose beaucoup de questions sur les Français. En basant votre réponse sur les discussions que vous avez eues en classe, et sur les Témoignages et les Lectures du Chapitre 2 de QUANT À MOI..., discutez des habitudes alimentaires des Français. Quel est le rôle de la nourriture dans la vie des Français? Comment les habitudes alimentaires des Français évoluent-elles? Parlez des aliments qu’ils consomment (types, quantités), des repas qu’ils prennent, des heures des repas, des personnes avec qui ils mangent, du rôle des restaurants dans la vie française, etc. Les habitudes alimentaires des Américains. Dans le Chapitre 2 de QUANT À MOI..., vous avez beaucoup appris sur les habitudes alimentaires des Français. Écrivez une petite composition dans laquelle vous comparez la situation actuelle des Français avec celle des Américains. Parlez du rôle de la nourriture dans la vie, de l’évolution des habitudes alimentaires, des aliments qu’on consomme (types, quantités), des repas qu’on prend, des heures des repas, des personnes avec qui on mange, du rôle des restaurants, etc
1 |
Le Voyage |
Fonctions: Comment saluer, se présenter et prendre congé; comment demander ou offrir un service Reviser: Les verbes: Le présent, Pser une question, l’impératif Apprendre: suivre, courir, mourir, rire, conduire, savoir, connaître; les expressions de temps, les noms, le conditionnel |
2 |
L’université; l’invitation; la nourriture et les boissons |
Fonctions: Comment inviter; comment accepter ou refuser un invitation; comment offrir à boire ou à manger; comment poser des questions et répondre Reviser: Quelques verbes irreguliers: le présent, les articles, les mots interrogatifs Apprendre: boire, recevoir, offrir, plair; articles: choisir l’article approprié; quel et lequel |
3 |
La Famille |
Fonctions: Comment identifier les objets et les personnes; comment décrire les objets et les personnes; comment décrire la routine quotidienne et les rapports de famille Réviser: L’adjectif possessif, l’adjectif qualitif, verbes pronominaux Apprendre: |
I think i need to work on my speaking.
Posted by: Cecile Ekesi | 08 January 2009 at 09:10
I really liked the assignment it was very helpful in what i needed to study
Posted by: Raven Alston | 08 January 2009 at 09:11
i need to work on my speaking alot i csn undersand it but not read speak or write it
Posted by: a | 08 January 2009 at 10:34
i really liked them. but i need to study.
Posted by: analy/tiffiny 2nd period | 01 December 2009 at 09:10
The one thing i need to study is the cultural stuff. I can easily remember the other stuff.
Posted by: Connor Blessing | 08 December 2009 at 09:01
Vocabulary for Unit 1 I know very well and vocabulary for Units 2 and 3, I know moderately well. Cultural Topics for Units 1 and 2 I know moderately well and cultural topics for Unit 3 I don't know very well.
Posted by: Tabitha R. | 08 December 2009 at 09:04
Votre site est remarquable et tres interessant ! Vous pouvez aussi voir mon profil sur
Posted by: Andre | 31 August 2011 at 16:42