E- Tandem 1 - What is E-tandem? Want a pen pal? In eTandem, you work together with a language learning partner from another country - by telephone, e-mail or other media. From your partner, you learn his or her language while he or she learns your native language.
Awty International School Parent's Guide French and English parent's guide to the Awty International School. * US/French Grading scale comparison is on p. 52 of this guide. There are also descriptions of American school traditions in French on pp. 137-140
Learn French Links to lessons/courses & tools, GCSE vocabulary exercises, voice board with feedback offered. Newsletter containing a link to an authentic French medium Internet site with suggestions for language work.
WordChamp - Learn language faster! At WordChamp, we give you the power to decide what you want to learn, and how you want to learn, by providing language lessons, activities and tools, and a network of tutors and members that for you to connect with.
Learn French: Audio Lessons For Fast & Easy Online Learning This is a course where beginners can learn French online with tutorials covering basic vocabulary words, grammar rules, phrases, verbs and conjugations tables, numbers, pronunciation and songs, basic conversations and much more!
La Tour Eiffel Panorama
La Tour Eiffel Panorama Many views of the Eiffel Tower. You can even create a personalized post card from the view!
Visit my Facebook teacher page
Click "Mme Henderson" to access my Facebook class page: https://www.facebook.com/mmehenderson
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