emma klecka
On the average, what percentage of household chores do males do? Females? 6%, 94%
What household tasks do you consider “male” tasks ? lawn and outdoor stuff.
What household tasks do you consider “female” tasks? inside stuff. Cleaning.
Who does which chores at your home? Me.
Tâche 1
Follow the links and answer the following questions.
- What were the results of the 2003 survey from Le Journal des Femmes?
80% of women do chores.
2. Summarize in English the results of this survey. Which chores are done mostly by women? By men? What generalizations can you make from this survey?
Women clean, cook, and do laundry.
Men fix things and garden.
3.Who does what regarding leisure activities? What generalizations can you make from this survey?
Men choose what tv station to watch. And women have to decide all of the frustrating things like planning vacations.
4. Who does what regarding paperwork at home? What generalizations can you make from this survey?
Women take care of financing and paperwork. Men take care of the fun things like cars.
5. Who does what in the area of taking care of the children? What generalizations can you make from this survey?
Women take care of the kids. Men are lazy bums.
What do you think of the results of this survey? Do you think the same situation exists in the
Yess! Duhh!
List at least 5 new words and definitions.
Surveiller- watch after
Verser- pay
Ouvrir-open, undo
Tâche 2
Go to http://www.lesclesjunior.com/search?SearchableText=environnement and find an article about the environement that is interesting to you.
Give the name of the article and the URL.
List five new words and definitions you have learned from your article.
Write a summary of your article in English.
If you have time, play the game to learn the different functions wrappings have in a product.