Objective- To find hotels in France and track expenses in a budget spreadsheet
Download the Budget Spreadsheet
Download budget-spreadsheet.htmlSave as your last name and spreadsheet. You will be posting this to our class wiki.
Today you will find three places to stay while you are in France.
Although you do not have a budget limitation, you will need to track you expenses on your budget form. By the end of the class period today, you will…
Find accommodation for three cities in France
Find pictures of your accommodation from the official website if possible
Fill out a chart summarizing your accommodation information
List the URLS you have used today
Update your budget spreadsheet
Save your summary chart to your wikispace page.
Try to add picture of each hotel if possible. Post this in the HOTEL category.
Find interesting things to do if you finish before the class period is over.
If you know you want to stay at a hotel, a quick way to find one is to visit the Internaute Hotels site.
- After you have chosen your hotel. Look at the hotel fiche to check out what kinds of amenities your hotel has to see if it is to your liking.
- go to Google.fr Yahoo France and check to see if your hotel has a website.
- Save some pictures at the hotel site so that you can use them to add to a journal entry of a day at your hotel.
- Reserve your room for the number of days you need.
- Fill in the chart below with all required information.
- Fill out your budget sheet.
- If you’d like to try a different type of accommodation, visit the France Guide Se Loger section. Here, you will find information about gîtes, camping grounds
and other accommodations. You will also be able to reserve an accommodation at this site.
- Go to Google.fr or Yahoo France to see if your accommodation has an official website.
- Save some pictures at the hotel site so that you can use them to add to a journal entry of a day at your hotel.
- Reserve your room for the number of days you need.
- Fill in the chart below with all required information.
- Fill out your budget sheet.
You do not need to fill out an accommodation for Paris
Paris |
Ville 1 |
Ville 2 |
Ville 3 |
Hôtel/Accomodation : nom et addresse; numéro de téléphone; et URL) |
Eléments du confort- |
Prix de chambres et combien de jours |
Mode de paiement |
Photos? Oui/non |
URLS aujourd’hui |
Autre |
If you finish before the end of the period… go to Se Divertir France at France Guide to find out what kind of interesting things you can do in
about what do in each region. You can take notes on your itinerary sheet I gave you earlier this week.
I have…
Found accommodation for three cities in France
Found pictures of my accommodation from the official website if possible
Filled out a chart summarizing your accommodation information
List the URLS I have used today
Updated my budget spreadsheet
Posted my summary chart by creating new post- The title will be first name and last initial and accommodation (Marie G- Accommodation). You will simply copy and paste your chart into the post. Try to add picture of each hotel if possible. I have posted this in the HOTEL category.
Found interesting things to do if I finish before the class period is over