Answer the following questions in English before you start the assignment
On the average, what percentage of household chores do males do? 30% Females? 70%
What household tasks do you consider “male” tasks ? Mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, yard work, handiwork around the house
What household tasks do you consider “female” tasks? Doing the dishes, dusting, cleaning the floors, straightening up the house, laundry
Who does which chores at your home? For the most part, all of the chores in our house are equally divided. I generally do the dishes and cleaning the upstairs. My mom does the rooms downstairs, and my dad cleans the floors. The laundry is done by whoever is free.
Tâche 1
Follow the links and answer the following questions.
1. What were the results of the 2003 survey from Le Journal des Femmes?
80% of household chores are done by women
2. Summarize in English the results of this survey. Which chores are done mostly by women? Cleaning, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, straightening the house By men? Handiwork, garden work What generalizations can you make from this survey? Men do more chores that involve the outside of the house and the women do more chores that involve the inside of the house.
3. Who does what regarding leisure activities? Women: likes vacations, plan vacations, invite friends over, likes to go to parties on the weekend; Men: watch TV What generalizations can you make from this survey? Women are more social and make more decisions.
4. Who does what regarding paperwork at home? Women: personal finances, tax declarations, open the mail; Men: the car bill What generalizations can you make from this survey? The women take care of the paperwork that involves the whole family, but the man takes care of the paperwork involving the car.
5. Who does what in the area of taking care of the children? Women do it all: helping with homework, talk to teachers, give them pocket money, choose activities, take them to the doctor, take them to school What generalizations can you make from this survey? Women are more involved in their children’s lives.
What do you think of the results of this survey? Do you think the same situation exists in the
? The men do jobs involving strength, while the women do all of the other jobs. Yes, the same situation exists in the
List at least 5 new words and definitions Use
1. ouvrir-to open
2. courier-letters
3. impot-income taxes
4. linge-dirty laundry
faire le ménage-to do the cleaning
Tâche 2
Go to and find an article about the environment that is interesting to you.
Give the name of the article and the URL.
Opération coup de poing contre la deforestation en Amazonie
List five new words and definitions you have learned from your article.
Lancer-to start up
Write a summary of your article in English.
They want to make deforestation of the Amazon illegal.
If you have time, play the game to learn the different functions wrappings have in a product.
Tâche 3
What are the functions of wrappings?
What impact do these wrappings have on the environment?
When you have completed your tasks, create a new post with your first name and last initial
I learned about different roles given to men and women in
I liked reading the surveys.
I disliked answering all of the questions.
What was easy interpreting the surveys.
What was difficult finding the environmental article.
Next time I would make it shorter.