Objective-To analyze games and find resources for creating games.
1. Download the form and be sure to save as and save it to your H drive. You will print this out when you are finished. Download Gameboard_scaffolding sheet_ modified 3
2. List the name of your group members as a comment to this post.
3. Start exploring the resources available for creating your games. Look at the EHS Delicous http://delicious.com/ehsfrench category of games
Your game should include the following categories:
Barber shop/beauty shop
Laundry/dry cleaning
Post Office
Souvenirs/Gift shops
Music Store
Electrical Appliances
Photo Shop
Paper Goods
Asking for goods and services
Formal register
Causative Faire to have things done
le, la, les
du, de la , des, etc. for quantities