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« Le Passé composé | Main | Voicethread Faire-Parts »

February 08, 2011


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La Gaspesie- That there are many different types of regions and climates in the area. They have whales in La Gaspesie that people can see!!! They have many national parks fro people to enjoy all throughout the region.
Mon Dusty- His native home is La Gaspesie. He was strongly encouraged by his father Alfred. At 21 Dusty decided to specialize in American country.
Mes questions pour Jennifer Aniston. Tu demeures à quel endroit? As tu un ou une gérante? Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer? Quels sont tes attentes face au milieu artistique? Quels sont les projets pour toi pour 2010? ?
My First Wordlist : gérante endroit artistique milieu attentes Américain Country de spécialise transforme alors répertoire fortement spécifiquement Natif domaine destination hauteur vertigineuses microclimat falaises exceptionnel littoral géologiques région Gaspésie Cap-des-Rosiers

3 Things I learned about Gaspésie:
National geographic chose Gaspésie as the top destination for 2011.
It has more than 300 kilometers of ski slopes.
There are skiing, mountain biking, sailing, tennis, and many more activities available to do.

3 Things I learned about Dusty:
His dream is to go to Nashville, Tennessee and play in the Grand Opry
His favorite possession is his cell phone
His best friend is JOHNNY LARIVIÈRE

5 Questions I would use on celebrity:
Tu demeures à quel endroit? es-tu natif de ce coin?
Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
Quels sont les projets pour toi pour 2010?
Prochains spectacles cet hiver ?
D'ou te viens cette passion pour le monde du spectacle?

La Gaspesie
• There are about 2000km of snowy mountains in the region during winter.
• The sea produces many fish including angelfish, herring, salmon, crabs, turtles, mollusks and many others.
• There are a variety of animals in the forests of this region.

Mon Dusty
• He is a singer and also a truck driver.
• Linn Mathieu is his manager.
• He is from Gaspésie.

Mes questions pour Anne Hathaway:
• Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
• Un nouvel album pour 2010?
• As tu un ou une gérante?
• Ta plus grande qualité ?
• Ton plus grand défaut?

Word List:
Soigné, artistique ,milieu, gérante ,pourrais, cellulaire, gaspésienne, prés, nothingness, exprime, décor, cette, diversité, lieux, eux, Jardins ,jardins, hareng ,camionneur, du ,mammifères, métier ,objet .

La Gaspesie
1. The National Geographic Society classified the Gaspésie as the third most beautiful destination in the world.
2. At first it gained tourism because of pricing for the bourgeoisie for the fishing of salmon and the attitude of a resort.
3. The Gaspésie surprises and seduces because of differences and diversity.

Mon Dusty
1. Native of the Gaspésie, more specifically, “Chandler”.
2. There are a lot of musicians in his family.
3. He developed a passion for music at a young age.

Mes questions pour...
1. Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
2. Quels sont les projets pour toi pour 2011?
3. D'ou te viens cette passion pour le monde du spectacle?
4. Prochains spectacles cet hiver?
5. Joues tu d'un instrument de musique?


Artist Questions.
1.Quels sont les projets pour toi pour 2011?
2.Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
3.Ta plus grande qualité
4.Ton plus grand défaut?
5.Qu'apprécies tu le plus chez les gens qui t'entourent?

La Gaspésie
*a physical event takes place there for 6 days
*only region selected in Quebec and Canada
*The Gaspésie surprises and seduces because of differences and diversity.

1.Twenty of the best destinations of 2011
2.Only region selected in Quebec and Canada
3.A physical event takes place here over six days

Dusty is 42 years old and he's from the region Gasperie, which is a region in Quebec. In an autumn issue of National Geograpic in 2009, Gaspesie was voted the third most beautiful place to visit in the world. Gasepesie used to be inhabited by les Micmacs tribe. It has three climate zones, the north zone, le subarctique zone, and the alpine zone.

La Gaspesie
1.Gaspésie was named one of the 20 destinations to visit in 2011 by National Geographic.
2.It is located south of the Saint-Laurent River.
3.The National Park of Gaspesie has a surface area of 802 km2

Mon Dusty
1.Dusty is from Gaspesie
2.He can play the guitar, the drums, the keyboard, and the harmonica.
3.He has been demanded in bars since he was 16.

Mes questions pour Brad Pitt
1.Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
2.Quels sont tes attentes face au milieu artistique?
3.D'ou te viens cette passion pour le monde du spectacle?
4.Quels sont les projets pour toi pour 2011?
5.As tu un ou une gérante?



1.In autumn 2009, the National Geographic Society classified Gaspésie as the third most beautiful location in the world.
2.The tourist destinations in Gaspésie illustrate the grandiose aura of the location.
3.Indians have been around in Gaspésie since thousands of years ago.

Mon Dusty

1.René Lebreton is 42 years old.
2.He plays the viola.
3.Ever since the age of 5, he has been encouraged by his dad to pursue his dream.

5 Interview Questions:

1.As tu un ou une gérante?
2.Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
3.As tu toujours fais de la musique country?
4.Ta plus grande qualité
5.Que détestes tu le plus dans ce métier?

My First Wordlist

gérante fortement surprend celles troisième grandeur d'années amorcent juste donc découverte

Facts about the Gaspesie
1. In autumn of 2009, the National Geographic Society classifies Gaspesie as the third most beautiful place in the world.
2. Gaspesie possessed the status of recognized destination.
3. Indians have been in Gaspesie thousand years ago.

1. Dusty’s real name is Rene LeBreton and he is 42 years old.
2. He was very young when he realized his passion for music.
3. He plays the guitar, drums, bass, keyboard and harmonica.

1. Quels sont tes attentes face au milieu artistique?
2. As tu un ou une gérante?
3. Un objet que tu ne pourrais te passer?
4. Quels sont les projets pour toi pour 2010?
5. D'ou te viens cette passion pour le monde du spectacle?

coin touche Natif reconnue batterie basée gérante

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