Une tire à Québec
Objectives: Learning to use Google's advanced search, using Lingro to enhance reading, reading about a Canadian country western singer, learning about Québec
Preactivity: Open a Word document to use as a working document. You will copy and paste your answers into a post to today's lesson. Use your French name to post.
Mini lesson: using Google advanced search. Using Lingro
Copy and paste the following headings:
La Gaspesie
Mon Dusty
Mes questions pour...
1. Create an account at Lingro . Use your French name and your school password to create your account.
2. Open lingro and then go to the Gaspesie website to learn about the region. In your word document, list in English 3 things you have learned about the region. Use Lingro to track your vocabulary. Copy and paste your vocabulary into your word document.
3. Open Lingro again and to Mon Dusty to read about a Canadian country western singer. Copy and paste this vocabulary into a word document. In English, list three things you learned about Dusty.
4. Choose 5 of his questions you would use to interview the celebrity. Post. Copy and paste these questions into your word document.