Part 1 Mon JT Quotidien
1. Go to Mon JT Quotidien and select TWO articles to listen to.
2. You will summarize each article in English using the following format and post as a comment to today's post.
Name of Story
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
Who was involved in the story
What happened?
How did it happen?
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
Part 2- Reading of Fântome
Name of Story: Bangkok brûle : de violents affrontements ont eu lieu hier, dans la capitale thaïlandaise.
Where does the story take place: Bangkok
When does the story take place: Yesterday
Who was involved in the story: the citizens of Bangkok
What happened? There was an out break of violence in Bangkok
How did it happen? Citizens lost it
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale? 6
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
The story was interesting but it’s not my kind of story. 5
Name of Story: L'Himalaya, le toit du monde : entre dangers mortels et sensations fortes.
Where does the story take place: The himalayas
When does the story take place: This past week
Who was involved in the story: people in the Himalayas
What happened? People are dying in the dangerous mountains.
How did it happen? People are not careful
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale? 6
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
This story was more interesting than the last one. 6
Posted by: Juliana A. | May 20, 2010 at 10:30 AM
Name of Story
Voici Xiao Qiang, le meilleur peintre de ce parc aquatique chinois... C'est un béluga.
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
22 September 2008
Who was involved in the story
Beluga whale and his trainer.
What happened?
The beluga whale learned how to paint!
How did it happen?
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
10!!!! So cool!!!!
Name of Story
Mercredi, une dresseuse américaine de 40 ans a été tuée par Tilikum, une orque.
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
February 26, 2010
Who was involved in the story
A killer whale and his trainer
What happened?
The trainer died.
How did it happen?
The killer whale drowned her.
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
7. So sad.
Posted by: Morgan | May 20, 2010 at 10:34 AM
5 dauphins roses ont été retrouvés morts dans une rivière, au Pérou.
April 28th
A team to help get the dolphins out of the river.
Pollution killed the dolphins.
It was kinda difficult. I guess the fact that I can’t hear it really well attributed though. I”d say it was like a 5. Also it was incredibly sad. ]:
Aujourd'hui, c'est la "journée mondiale de la lutte contre l'homophobie".
Everywhere! It was a worldwide march.
May 17th
People marched against homophobic practices.
Homosexual and hetero sexual supporters from across the world.
People marched?
I’d say it was about a 6. And I think it’s awesome people are doing that. LBGTerrific!
Posted by: Jackie L | May 20, 2010 at 10:36 AM
Name of Story: Dimanche, un robot a célébré le mariage de deux Japonais, à Tokyo !
Where does the story take place: Japan
When does the story take place: May 19, 2010
Who was involved in the story: A young, newly married Japanese couple and a robot.
What happened?: The couple had the robot lead their marriage ceremony as opposed to a priest
How did it happen?: The robot married the couple at their wedding
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?: 5.5
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.: I thought the article was very funny and was shocked by the technology used to make the small robot. I would give it an eight.
Name of Story: Elle décroche son diplôme de médecine à 94 ans
Where does the story take place: Australia
When does the story take place: September 11, 2007
Who was involved in the story: A 94 year old women
What happened?: A 94 year old women received a medical degree.
How did it happen?: She went back to college.
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?: 4
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.: I thought the article was shocking, but I thought it was really neat that a 94 year old women had enough energy to go back to college and get her degree. I would give it a 9.5.
Posted by: Ashley D. | May 20, 2010 at 10:38 AM
Name of Story
La Chine adore ses pandas géants : les vrais,
et les jouets fabriqués à leur image.
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
14 Septembre 2009
Who was involved in the story
What happened?
The Chinese love the panda so much that
They made their own panda store
The chine
How did it happen?
The make and design cloths
For the stuff panda animal
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
I loved it was super cute! 10!!
Name of Story
Les Chinois aiment manger... des insectes !
Where does the story take place
Who was involved in the story
Chinese people and tourist
What happened?
Chinese people eat insects
How did it happen?
I really don’t know
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
Really interesting 10
Posted by: Nancy T | May 20, 2010 at 10:42 AM
Article 1
“Les fous de la glisse et des sports de rue avaient rendez-vous à Montpellier, ce weekend.”
This weekend
A group of skateboarders
There is a bmx and skateboarding competition this weekend in Montepellier
It was organized by FISE (Festivale Internationale sport Extreme)
It was kind of hard to hear, so 6/10
It was pretty cool seeing all the skateboarders doing their tricks.
Article 2
Bangkok brûle : de violents affrontements ont eu lieu hier, dans la capitale thaïlandaise.
In the past month
The people of Thailand and their government
There has been violents on the streets of Bangkok, so the government has established martial law.
The government established martial law in response to violence due to riots and protests.
8/10, it was hard to hear
9/10, it was very interesting to hear about the plight of the thailandese people
Posted by: Juan Carlos Marquez | May 20, 2010 at 10:46 AM
Jessica a 16 ans : elle vient de faire le tour du monde à la voile. Seule, et sans assistance.
All around the world
Jessica, a 16 year old girl
She traveled around the world in a sailboat by herself.
It was her dream to make a boat and travel the world with it.
The guy talked really fast, so i'd give it an 8.
The article was pretty interesting since it was about a girl my age accomplishing a dream of hers. 7
Halloween, c'est demain : la planète se prépare pour la fête du frisson.
All around the world
Different people getting ready for Halloween
People prepare for halloween by decorating and doing games.
Halloween was coming up and they wanted to get ready for it.
6, the video explained what they guy was saying.
The article was remotely interesting. I think you showed us this in class though so i was kinda already expecting what to see next. 5
Posted by: Giselle Roux | May 20, 2010 at 10:46 AM
Name of Story
Les Bleus sont à Tignes ; ils se préparent pour la coupe du monde de football 2010.
Where does the story take place
The Tinges
When does the story take place
May 18
Who was involved in the story
The Blues Soccer team
What happened?
They were training in The Tinges for the World Cup that is coming up soon
How did it happen?
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
Name of Story
Bangkok brûle : de violents affrontements ont eu lieu hier, dans la capitale thaïlandaise.
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
May 17
Who was involved in the story
Civillians of Bangkok
What happened?
They were protesting
How did it happen?
The government upset them
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
Posted by: Grant P. | May 20, 2010 at 10:46 AM
Leon Champlain
Name of Story:
Bangkok brûle : de violents affrontements ont eu lieu hier, dans la capitale thaïlandaise.
Where does the story take place
Bangkok Thailand
When does the story take place
20 mai 2010
Who was involved in the story
What happened?
Police violence broke out when there was a protest.
How did it happen?
Protesting got out of hand when police gunshots broke out.
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
I could pick out key words, so I would say it was about a 7 out of 10
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
I think it is a sad story because people have the right to protest, and many people were killed and the city is on fire.
Name of Story
Les fous de la glisse et des sports de rue avaient rendez-vous à Montpellier, ce weekend.
Where does the story take place
Skating and biking competition
When does the story take place
Three days ago
Who was involved in the story
Skaters and bikers
What happened?
There is a large competition
How did it happen?
It happens every year
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
It was more difficult than the last one, so I would give it a 3 out of 10.
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
It was very neat to see everyone doing all the trick, but it made it harder to listen because I was so distracted
Posted by: Leon Champlain | May 20, 2010 at 10:48 AM
Summary #1
Name of Story
The Chinese Zoo’s Red Pandas Learn Quick
Where does the story take place
In China
When does the story take place
May 10, 2010
Who was involved in the story
Red Panda’s ad the Zoo’s coordinators
What happened?
It was just an interest story. The story was covering the progress of the Pandas
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
It was a cute story about really adorable Pandas. On content I give it a 8.
Summary #2
Name of Story
Einstein, the smallest Horse in the World
Where does the story take place
The United States
When does the story take place
April 28th 2010
Who was involved in the story
Te owners and Einstein
What happened?
Born to a regular sized pony Einstein came out to only 35 Centimeters
How did it happen?
He was Born?
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
Just Because Einstein is cute I give it a 10.
Posted by: Noelle La Croix | May 20, 2010 at 10:49 AM
Luis Ramagnoli
Name of story
Umekichi "fait ses griffes" dans un zoo de Tokyo... C'est un "ours des cocotiers.
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
31 mars 2010
Who was involved in the story
Le umekichi
What happened?
The bears play with their other bear friends and stuff but they’re in a natural park because there are few of them.
How did it happen?
The bears were dying off so we have to do something to preserve
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Like an 8
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
I felt like if enough people see this article we could do more for our planet. 7.
Name of Story
Les petits pandas peuvent se reproduire dans un parc naturel indien, en toute sécurité
Where does the story take place
When does the story take place
January 14, 2009
Who was involved in the story
The little panda and the caretakers of the park
What happened?
The little pandas are endangered and are being bred to increase in numbers
How did it happen?
They were being killed off
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
Like… I couldn’t hear it cuz it was too loud here sooo like a 9
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
I feel like its sort of hard to do much in a situation such as this one.
Posted by: Luis Ramagnoli | May 20, 2010 at 10:51 AM
Stephanie Cyriac
French 3
Listening Exercises
Article I.
Name of Story
-Yesterday, the Chinese all over the world entered the year of the tiger.
Where does the story take place?
-All over the world the Chinese celebrated
When does the story take place?
-February 14th, 2010
Who was involved in the story ?
What happened?
-Along with Valentine’s Day, people celebrated with fireworks and cultural celebrations.
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
-It was about a 5.
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
-The article was interesting because it included information about people born in the year of the tiger, the lunar calendar that corresponded with it, etc. 7.
Article II.
Name of Story
-It’s the season of drought in Rajasthan, the elephants are thirsty.
Where does the story take place
-Rajasthan, India
When does the story take place
-Around the months of March and April
Who was involved in the story?
-Elephants and the elephant trainers
What happened?
-Because of the drought, elephants don’t have enough to drink, and they require a lot of water to move in the sun and carry people around. So the trainers have to pour water into their trunks and over their bodies from a hose.
How difficult was the story to understand? 1-10 scale?
-It was easier than the other one, about a 3.
Your general opinion of the article. Give an overall opinion and rate it on a 1-10 scale.
I thought the article was really interesting. It was kind of sad to see the lack of water, but it makes you think. 8.
Posted by: Elodie Fortin | May 20, 2010 at 10:51 AM