Objective- Reviewing Unité 5A Vocabulary, negative expressions, and future tense.
A. You will create THREE sets of flashcards at StudyStack to assess your knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar for Unité 5. Be sure to title your Flashcard set with the title next to the Roman Numeral.
B. For your username, you will use your French name. Use your school login.
C.. You will place all three links to your vocabulary flashcards on your Wiki under the page of Vocabulaire. You may use your handouts our your online textbook at Classzone.com for your vocabulary.
D. After you have created your flashcards, play at least two different kinds of games. We'll discuss which ones worked best in class.
I. Travel Vocabulary 5A (10 words French to English )
Les Voyages
Be sure that you have an example of both going TO a feminine country and masculine country and returning FROM a feminine and masculine country.
Au contrôle des passeports
A la douane
II. Negative expressions (10 sentences with English translations)
Ne... personne; ne... rien; ne... nulle part ; ne... aucun(aucune) ne... ni.. ni... ;
III. Future (15 verbs- 3 regular, 12 irregular)
You can go to Verb2Verbe to help with the verbs
***Tâches 2 and 3 should be posted by the end of the day on WEDNESDAY