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February 22, 2010


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The region I'd visit would be Languedoc Roussillon. I'd need to be there for most of the summer (June to the end of July), because apparently they hold a large open-air festival in Carcassonne that celebrates all kinds of music. Plus, you know, beaches. [:

I would like to visit Burgundy. Burgundy consider itself the heart of France and is famous for wine. It produces 2/3 of the wine of France.

I would like to visit Ile-de-France because Paris is located there. I would need at least a week to do all my shopping and eating in Ile-de-France. Paris has one of the highest GDP in Europe and would rank as the 14th largest economy in the world.

The region i would most like to visit would be Corse. So far the pictures I have seen of it are filled with beautiful scenic beaches and oceans, along with mountains and lovely chateaus. Corse is the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and has more than 200 beaches. Since i love natural beauty, i feell ike this region is the best for me. :)

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