Objective- To research websites and articles for your powerpoint. To tag bookmarks for future use.
I. Please JOIN THE CHEVALIERS DIIGO GROUP. Use your FRENCH first and last names when you sign up for the account. You sill use DIIGO to save your bookmarks for this project.
II. Find articles from CLES JUNIOR for your research. You can also search for different topics in French by using the search bar.
III. Adding Articles to the Diigo Group Use the tags ecolo and environnement and any other specific subjects when you tag your articles.
IV. You can also use my bookmarks to search for websites, articles, and video http://www.diigo.com/user/mmehenderson/ecolo
Creating your Power Point
Remember that you will:
A.) Identify the issue & its importance [who/what it affects, the danger if it continues…etc]
B.) Show the seriousness of this issue through pictures, graphs, data, and specific stories or examples. Give us the facts! Give at least three different examples to back up your facts.
Then, you will explain what are important and necessary steps/actions to take in order to reach a solution to this problem. What can individuals do? What can communities or whole countries do? Will it be easy or difficult to reach a solution? [you will use the il faut” and the subjunctive expressions