- Objectives: To practice reflexive verbs and create a reflexive cartoon.
I. Go to the following sites to practice your reflexive verbs
Reflexive Verb Index. You will complete exercises 3,5,6,9,10,12
2. You will create a Toondoo comic strip titled Une Journée dans la vie de+ your character's name
- Go to your post of La Routine Quotidienne and correct any errors.
- Be sure you have inserted the proper foreign langauge characters check here for Making Accent Marks
- Add three expresssions from p. 52 of your textbook and 3 from page 54 to the existing sentences. Your character will be using these expressions in speech and should be written in first person. Example. Je suis très envervée!
- Be sure the text is written in THIRD person
- Create an account at Toondoo http://www.toondoo.com if you do not have one already
- Select the three panel layout
- You will title the panels Le Matin; Pendant la Journée; Le Soir
- When you are writing the text, be sure to use the foreign text bubble
- You will have two sentences in each panel.
- When you save your puzzle be sure to title it Une Journée Dans la Vie de + your character's name. Be sure to have French in your tag.
- Embed your file alone with a link to the file under the category of Une Journée Dans la Vie de